Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Praying Like A Mantis

I’ve seen a few praying mantis recently, and am always shocked to notice the rather large bug camouflaged on the holly bush in front of our house. It’s their large size which intrigues me, but then when I look more closely, I’m fascinated by those front legs giving them their name. They remind me to be in that position of prayer more often for myself.

Reading up a little on the fascinating creatures, I learned that the praying mantis’ front legs are in the folded position to give them a chance to snag their prey quickly. More gruesome is the fact that those legs are equipped with spikes to help grab their prey and pin it in place. Nice bug, huh? Sitting in a praying position in order to get some food. Sounds like a good approach to prayer. Sitting and waiting patiently, maybe then I can snag some food for my soul. A sense of peace. Pinned. A reminder of God’s power. Pinned. A feeling of God’s love. Pinned.

I have been a little down recently, mostly because I’m in another stage of “letting go” as a mom because my son is discussing his future, including college options. I’m excited for him, big-time, but my heart will miss having him around. The discouragement drove me to pray a little more patiently these last few weeks. I’m back to being a little more still. Sometimes I’m crying, sometimes I’m peaceful, but in being still I’m getting back into the groove of sensing God’s presence.

The other day I found a note, written in my own handwriting, tucked away in the pocket of my Kindle cover. It was a verse I used as a reminder against discouragement. Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Further back in the same pocket, I found a second note written to me in my daughter’s handwriting from a year ago. At the bottom of her note, was written a Bible verse. The same one.

Like the praying mantis, I’m going to pin that message and eat it up.

Any messages you've received lately?


Stephanie Courchesne said...

My message has been to "Be still and know." Sometimes that phrase is ended with something specific that I need to know and remember about God. It also has to do with creating space for God. That seems to be my message. Create space so you can be still and know that I (God) am your ... Provision and Enough.

Lisa Tomarelli said...

Practicing the "Be Still and Know" mantra again. I got fidgety after six minutes today. But it's a start. Appreciate the reminder.

DonnaGalanti said...

Lisa, I love how you and your daughter had the same verse. That is a powerful message right there! Message for me lately is that I need to self-care first before I can have live inside to give those around me. So that's what I'm doing. It's amazing how letting go of stresses and removing some altogether can help you find inner peace. And in doing so, you can embrace your loved ones and change the family dynamic. It all starts with me. :)

Lisa Tomarelli said...

Donna, you're right about the self-care reminder. Glad to hear you're focusing on it. Funny how God is really in charge, huh? I keep forgetting. ;)