Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Ginger Root

Why do I buy ginger and then not use it?

There’s something about an odd-shaped knob of ordinary ginger sitting in my refrigerator door which makes me feel like I might be a gourmet cook. Or maybe something about being a redhead attracts me to it. Ginger root, when grated or sliced fresh into a chicken or pork dish, is absolutely delicious. Once I get it home, though, I tend to avoid using it. It requires that I peel it, then cut a piece off, then grate it. There are simply too many steps. Often I’ll give in and pull out my powdered ginger jar instead. But it’s not the same.

This reminds me of the authentic root of my faith when I take time in the Bible and pray, as opposed to sprinkling a quick dose of an on-the-go prayer into my morning. The point of prayer is to be with God, right? It’s not about the recitation. God only knows He doesn’t need more noise in this world. The fresh, pure taste of connecting with God adds spice and joy to my life.

It’s worth the effort.